Conversations with the Community
“Some people say I am Wonder Woman. But I tell them, I’m just an IM [instructional manager]”
Analyn Regollen works two jobs but still in her spare time she volunteers as an instruction manager teaching classes for ALS. These alternative learning system (ALS) classes are for out-of-school youth in barangay San Miguel, Murcia where Analyn lives.
She packs a lot into every day and week but she says her students inspire her to keep volunteering, “They want to keep coming to class which is why I like coming too.”
Many of Analyn’s students are under 18 years old but have left school to work full time to help support their family.
Analyn says her ALS students want to keep learning, even though many have had to drop out of formal school. Even at their young age, they can see the importance of their education.
Quidan supports superhero volunteers like Analyn conduct alternative learning classes by providing instructional manager training support. For the 2017/18 school year, Quidan donated school supply kits for partner ALS classrooms like Analyn's.